When asked to associate a word with the left end of a 1 to 10 point line scale (the number 1), many refer to the word poor, or unacceptable. Asked again to identify the far right of the scale (number 10), I often hear excellent or best. So when completing the association, what we typically see is, “Poor” (1), “Good” (5) and “Excellent”(10). So what does that make “Good”? Well just average, mediocre, middle of the road. So, let me ask . . . “Are you ‘good’ at what you do?”
When striving for excellence in yourself, here are several things to consider.
1.) Define excellence as a core value. Make it a part of who you are. When others think of excellence let them think of you.
2.) Be mindful. When faced with a decision or moral dilemma, ask yourself, “Is what I am about to do moving me closer to, or further away from excellence?”
3.) Know what excellence is. Make excellence your standard.
4.) Pay attention to the details. See each project, goal, even the smallest of tasks that you do, as great and noble.
5.) Don’t confuse excellence with perfection. Perfectionism can derail you from excellence in that there is actually a diminishing return in your quest to be perfect. (Click here for Excellence vs Perfection outline))
6.) Think in terms of incremental improvements versus revolutionary change. Olympic athletes measure their success in seconds and tenths of a point.
7.) Compete with yourself.
8.) Watch the movies Lincoln and Iron Lady; read Martin Luther King’s speech, “I Have a Dream” and Rudyard Kipling’s poem, “If”.
When striving to instill excellence in others.
1.) Create a culture of excellence. Start with defining excellence as an organizational/family core value. It requires changing the way others think.
2.) Practice what you preach. Exemplify excellence in your own work. Inspire others with it.
3.) Be clear with your expectations . . . without expecting perfection. Set others up for success.
4.) Use rewards to reinforce culture versus simply performance.
5.) DO NOT take care of others, instead CARE ABOUT THEM. In others words encourage them, challenge them, appreciate them, hold them accountable, but whatever you do, do not enable them. It might be easier/quicker to do it yourself – don’t. You may not want to deal with the subsequent confrontation – deal with it.
For 2014 let’s not settle for being good at what we do. Remember, we are what we are expected to be, and so it is, others too have the propensity to live up to what is expected of them. Expect mediocrity and mediocrity is what you will get. Expect excellence and excellence is what you will have.
“Be Extraordinary”! - Let it be a way of life, not just a catch phrase.
Anthony Tormey
Founder & CEO
Leader Development Institute
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